Why women love to wear heels!

Ever since heels came into existence, they have only attracted eyes and won hearts. Since women fell in love with this footwear, it has only branched and evolved. Most footwear collectors have had a special affinity towards heels. This immense desire and demand for the product has led to the formation of subcategories in the same.
Brief HistoryHigh heels are now a staple piece in many women’s wardrobe. They are worn to elongate legs, dress up an outfit, and even give the illusion that a woman is taller than she actually is. The high heel did not originate to be worn by women as they are now, but rather as a man’s shoe. They were most popular with kings and other noble and wealthy men long before they were ever adorned on women’s feet. One common theory is that high heels were developed as a method of straddling stirrups for equestrians. Cowboy boots today still have low heels allowing for better stability. In previous centuries, the heel allowed men to stand up in their stirrups and better utilize their weapons during war. Heels used for this purpose date back to the Persian Empire in the 10th century.
Women did not begin wearing heels until the mid-1500’s. The first recorded high heel on a woman was worn by Catherine de Medici. Previous to this, woman had only worn platform shoes. Particularly found around the Venice area of Italy, these platform shoes were called “chopines”. Historical accounts also place their wear and height by members of nobility with some of these platforms as high as 20 inches tall. Their purpose was born for utility, both allowing women to grow their stature as well as protect feet and hemlines from the muddy streets of Venice.
A pair of high heels for women, has been a good friend, since thousands of years. Wearing high heels is an evergreen style statement indeed. Modern day psychologists did an experiment to test, what heels do for a woman's attractiveness? They recorded females walking in flat shoes, and then again in high heels. They observed, apparently, a change in gait, with heels, there is a reduced stride, and increased rotation and tilt of the hips. In other words, she struts. Without any of the other usual indicators of attractiveness, this change in gait alone made them find the heeled-females more attractive.
Benefits of Wearing HeelsSince women took to heels, they have carried them everywhere. Nowadays, they have been made an essential part of the office attire as well. It is known to do for women what shirts and ties do for men. It can add a tinge of sexuality to the dress code. Heels can add confidence and vigor to the overall look and personality of a woman. Women who wear heels give off an independent, superior, and intellectual aura. Here are some more benefits of wearing heels.
Tall lookWearing heels helps to increase the height by 3-6 inches. This is helpful for the women who love tall look. Most of the women like to feel attractive by having a tall look by wearing heels. Women also feel smart, and in proper shape, by wearing heels.
Good Body PostureAfter wearing heels, women get a feeling of having a good posture. Heels help to bring out an attractive body posture. It also adds to the confidence of the women while carrying herself.
Good Looking LegsHeels help to enhance the beauty of your legs. Those who like to wear short skirts can make their legs look more gorgeous with the help of stunning heels. Heels make legs look longer and shapelier.
Complementary to ClothesHeels compliment the attractiveness of the clothes. Box or conical heels go well with the corporate attire. Stiletto heels make the minis or tunics, look more striking. Wearing block heels with trousers or wide bottom jeans gives a cool look.
Women in heels are often women of power. Do a quick search for "business woman," and if the picture is a full-length shot, you can bet that woman is wearing heels. Wearing heels makes a woman feel in charge because height is the antithesis of power. She always wants to be taller than her opponent.
When looking for heels, it is important to not only pick the right heel height but also to look for one with a wider toe box to accommodate the toes comfortably. This can reduce the probability of developing Morton's Neuroma or aggravating an existing bunion deformity. Also, heels with ankle straps help support the shoe on the foot and eliminate the need for your toes to hang onto the shoe thus reducing the development of hammertoes. A platform on the heel allows the wearer to increase height without compensating the arch.
Here at Rag&Co, we have curated a list of heels for women, which reflect their personalities and create an impression, as high heel styles are some of the most beloved shoe types for women, that exist, and one can't escape their allure for sure! The following guide will help you glide through the world of heels and find your perfect fit.
Originally created and worn by men and now almost exclusively worn by women, high heels have gone through many phases and eras. They portrayed many different things throughout the different eras from masculinity and power, to prestige and royalty, to femininity and sex appeal. High heels have a long history and there is nothing to suggest that they won’t have an even longer future, which begs the question, what do they represent now? The media seems to paint a different picture for high heels every week from something women should avoid because of their sexist past, or the next week, something we should embrace and ‘reclaim’. Remember the next time a headline pops up in your feed about high heels that they have a long history and they have portrayed more than just one thing in their lifespan. Don’t limit them or what they can portray because they have done it all in the past and they will do it all again in the future.